Termeni si conditii RO


Contractul include informatiile din urmatoarele documente: Contract de Inchiriere; Termeni si Conditii de Inchiriere; Anexele la Contract;  Proces Verbal Predare/ Primire; Conform prezentului contract SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL  denumit in continuare Locator, inchiriaza catre Locatar semnatar, automobilul fara conducator auto, asa cum este denumit in continuare pe scurt (inclusiv accesorii si echipamente descrise in acest document si de asemenea, orice alt automobil care inlocuieste automobilul initial) in conformitate cu termenii si conditiile, precum si cu cele inscrise pe prima pagina a documentului pe care Locatarul il accepta in totalitate.

2.DESCRIEREA OBIECTULUI CONTRACTULUI                                                                                                                                                          

Obiectul prezentului contract constă în darea în folosinţă (închirierea) de către Locator, Locatarului a autoturismului/autovehiculului descris, proprietatea Locatorului, in schimbul achitarii de catre Locatar a  unui pret.

Urmatoarele documente trebuie prezentate la preluarea autoturismului; act de identitate sau pasaport valid; permis de conducere valid; cardul dvs de credit/debit acceptat de catre SC,TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL; In cazul in care exista necesitatea unor verificari suplimentare, la biroul de inchiriere se pot solicita si alte documente/date suplimentare (ex. bilet avion retur, confirmare cazare, etc.)


Aceste persoane trebuie sa aiba varsta mai mare de 21 de ani si o vechime minim 2 ani, permis de conducere valid, recunoscut de autoritatile romane. Daca permisul de conducere este eliberat de o tara non-UE este necesara prezentarea unui permis de conducere international, impreuna cu permisul nationa. Soferii aditionali pot fi trecuti in contractul de inchiriere in schimbul achitarii unei taxe aditionale. Pentru soferii tineri cu varsta intre 21-23 ani, precum si pentru soferii seniori cu varsta de peste 70 de ani, se va percepe o taxa suplimentara.Soferul secundar trebuie sa indeplineasca aceleasi conditii ca si soferul principal.


Automobilul nu poate fi utilizat: de alte persoane decat cele care semneaza acest contract in calitate de Locatar; in scopuri care incalca legea; cu incalcarea codului rutier roman/international; pentru transfer de pasageri sau de marfuri contra cost; pentru deplasarea sau tractarea unui alt vehicul sau remorca; sa participe la curse de masini sau sa conduca in afara drumurilor asfaltate; sa subinchirieze tertilor; in afara Romaniei, fara acordul prealabil al Locatorului, care prin prezenta isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica valoarea chiriei, in functie de destinatie si kilometrajul care urmeaza a fi rulat si de a percepe o taxa de trecere a frontierei. In functie de tarile tranzitare, pot aparea limitari de acoperire a asigurarilor daca Locatarul nu ia in considerare aceasta prevedere, acesta poarta intreaga responsabilitate; in cazul in care conducatorul auto este sub influenta alcoolului, a substantelor halucinogene, a drogurilor sau a oricarei alte substante care influenteaza capacitatea soferului de a conduce; pentru transportul de materiale explozive, inflamabile, toxice, radioactive, nocive, periculoase sau interzise; prin vanzare/instrainarea de orice natura, pentru inlaturarea de parti componente ale autoturismului precum si permiterea altor persoane sa efectueze aceste actiuni ;incalcand orice termeni si conditii din prezentul contract.


Sa transmita Locatorului dreptul de folosinta asupra autovehiculului ce constituie Obiectul Contractului prin: livrarea autovehiculului, completarea si semnarea fisei de predare-preluare, inmanarea cheilor si a documentelor masinii (certificat de inmatriculare, polita de asigurare RCA, rovinieta) in original. Sa predea autovehiculul curat si cu rezervorul plin; Sa asigure Locatorului asistenta telefonica si rutiera, pe teritoriul Romaniei, pe toata durata contractului, 24h/24, 7zile/7 in caz de accident sau pana mecanica;SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO SRL nu este responsabila de remedierea anvelopei in caz de pana. Sa inlocuiasca autovehiculul (in limita disponibilitatii), in caz de avarie care nu poate fi remediata pe loc, daca dauna nu este din vina Locatarului, intr-un interval de 24 ore, in functie de locatia in care s-a constatat defectiunea. In cazul in care dauna este din vina Locatarului se va solicita blocarea unei noi garantii pentru livrarea noului autovehicul. In cazul in care SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL va fi in imposibilitate de a inlocui autovehiculul Locatarului i se va restitui partea aferenta costului chiriei calculate proportional cu durata in care autovehiculul nu a putut fi utilizat SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL nu este responsabila de pierderile suportate de catre Locatar in caz de defectiune sau avarie a autovehiculului, cu exceptia cheltuielilor autorizate de SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL pentru reparatii. Prin eliberarea chitantelor de completare si anulare a depozitelor preautorizate SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL se degreveaza de indisponibilitatea sumelor din contul Locatarului si recomanda contactarea si prezentarea chitantelor catre banca la care Locatarul detine cardul. Din momentul livrarii autovehiculului si pana la reintrarea in posesia acestuia, SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL este exonerata de raspundere pentru daunele provocate in trafic de autovehiculul inchiriat Locatarului, precum si de taxele de drum ori de pod sau amenzi rezultate din ocuparea abuziva a unui loc de parcare, nerespectarea legislatiei rutiere sau a legilor Romaniei.


Sa permita conducerea autovehiculului doar persoanelor autorizate si mentionate in Contract; Sa nu conduca autovehiculul in afara suprafetelor carosabile, pe drumuri nepavate, neasfaltate, inchise circulatiei publice. In caz contrar, SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL va incasa valoarea reparatiei, din garantia aleasa de Locatar (indiferent de tipul garantiei, inclusiv in cazul taxei SCDW) sau va debita cardul de debit/credit al clientului prezentat la semnarea contractului, cu notificare prealabila. Sa nu faca si sa nu permita interventii tehnice sau estetice asupra autovehiculului fara consimtamantul scris al SC,TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL. Sa achite amenzile emise de autoritaţi pentru contravenţii sau infracţiuni săvârşite pe perioada închirierii autovehiculului ce face obiectul prezentului contract; Sa suporte costul vinietei în afara teritoriului Romaniei în cazul în care autovehiculul pus la dispozitia Locatarului, urmează a fi folosit in trafic internaţional; Deplasarea in afara granitelor este permisa doar pe teritoriul Uniunii Europene si a Spatiului Economic European. In cazul in care se va incalca aceasta obligatie, in eventualitatea unei daune sau a unui furt, Locatarul va fi responsabil

cu toata valoarea masinii. Returnarea autovehiculul la expirarea duratei contractului, cu rezervorul de carburant plin. In cazul unor avarii aduse

autovehiculului, cu excepţia celor provocate prin forţa majoră, Locatarul răspunde în solidar cu asiguratorul Locatorului pentru toate cheltuielile aferente aducerii la starea iniţiala a autovehiculului sau înlocuirii acestuia cu unul similar ca marca, tip, an de fabricaţie, dotări şi valoare de piaţa. In cazul în care asiguratorul Locatorului acoperă în totalitate aceste cheltuieli, Locatarul este exonerat de răspundere civilă, existând posibilitatea de răspundere penală, în condiţiile legii. Pentru ca pagubele produse în urma unui eveniment rutier sau furt să poată fi recuperate prin asiguratorul Locatorului, este obligatorie declararea acestora de către Locatar/conducatorul autovehiculului organelor de poliţie din raza localităţii în care s-a produs evenimentul, urmând ca în caz contrar contravaloarea pagubelor să fie suportată integral de către Locatar/conducatorul autovehiculului.In cazul în care autovehiculul a fost condus sub influenţa alcoolului şi/sau a drogurilor ori altor substante stupefiante, răspunderea în recuperarea materială a pagubelor aparţine în totalitate Locatarului/conducatorul autovehiculului. La încetarea perioadei de închiriere, Locatarul va preda catre Locator autovehiculul închiriat, curat, cu accesoriile aferent si documentele ce i-au fost inmanate la preluare autovehiculului. Fumatul in autovehicul este strict interzis. Animalele de companie pot fi transportate in autoturisme numai in cutii (custi, genti) speciale, inchise pe durata calatoriei, In caz de nerespectare, se va percepe o taxa de 50 €, la care se va adauga contravaloarea serviciilor de spalatorie auto, conform facturii care i se va transmite pe e-mail. Pentru nerespectarea prevederilor privind obligatiile locatarului prevazute in capitolul 7,  SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL are dreptul de a anula unilateral rezervarea fara restituirea sumelor si se incaseaza integral depozitul de garantie (inclusiv in cazul taxelor SCDW/FULL SCDW).. Locatarului ii revin orice alte drepturi şi obligaţii prevazute de lege si prin prezentul Contract.


Livrarea si restituirea autovehiculului se vor face la locul, data si ora stabilite de Locatar impreuna cu SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL si mentionate in formularul de rezervare si in Contract. Contractul inceteaza la data expirarii duratei inchirierii sau la data ulterioara stabilita de catre parti ca urmare a prelungirii duratei initiale.Contractul poate inceta prin reziliere unilaterala de catre oricare din parti, fara a fi necesara punerea in intârziere, in caz de neexecutare a obligatiilor stabilite in sarcina celeilalte parti conform prezentului Contract, prin transmiterea unei notificari de reziliere. Contractul se va considera incetat la data primirii de catre Locator a notificarii de reziliere. Reziliere se va face de către Locator în cazul în care Locatarul nu îşi respecta culpa si obligaţiile asumate. Rezilierea operează în condiţiile legii. În toate cazurile de încetare a contractului, Locatarul are obligaţia să achite toate sumele datorate Locatorului până la data încetării locaţiunii.


In cazul acesta se va emite un voucher pentru valoarea ramasa; Voucher-ul poate fi folosit pentru plata partiala sau integrala a serviciilor de inchiriere si este valabil pe perioada de un an de la data emiterii. Daca a fost folosita doar o parte din suma, se va emite un nou voucher pentru diferenta ramasa din valoarea initiala.In cazul in care pe perioada inchirierii, Locatarul solicita schimbarea locatiei de restituire a autovehiculului, acesta va informa SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL in scris sau sunand la numarul suport non stop urmand a se percepe o taxa de dislocare cuprinsa intre 20 € si 300 €. SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO SRL va trebui sa isi dea acordul asupra acestei modificari contractuale, iar Locatarul va achita taxa suplimentara de dislocare mentionata anterior, taxa care va fi comunicata in scris de catre SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL, prin SMS sau e-mail. Incasarea taxei se va face din garantie,la returnarea autovehiculului, cash sau pe baza cardului prezentat de catre Locatar la semnarea contractului. Abandonarea autovehiculului  de catre Locatar fara notificare scrisa care SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL sau sunand la numarul de telefon suport non-stop, fara a preda cheia unui reprezentant SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL si fara semnarea bilaterala a fisei de preluare, va atrage raspunderea Locatarului  pentru toate costurile aferente relocarii autovehiculului in locatia din care a fost inchiriat si a altor costuri aferente aducerii autovehiculului la starea initiala in cazul in care autovehiculul este preluat in alte conditii decat cele in care a fost predat pe baza procesului-verbal. Aceleasi conditii sunt valabile si in cazul in care Locatarul refuza predarea autovehiculului.. Alimentarea de catre Locatar a autovehiculului cu alt carburant decat cel indicat de producator (prevazut in certificatul de inmatriculare / talon si pe fisa de predare-primire) atrage dupa sine obligatia Locatarului de a achita o taxa de serviciu in valoare de 50 euro, costul transportului cu platforma, costul aferent zilelor de imobilizare in service, costul de reparatie conform devizului precum si realimentarea corespunzatoare. Atat in cazul incetarii Contractului inainte de termen cat si in cazul rezilierii, Locatarul are obligatia de a preda autovehiculul in termen de 12 ore de la momentul rezilierii.


Autovehiculul are incheiata polita de asigurare RCA, conform legii. Asigurarea RCA este o asigurare prin care tertii prejudiciati in urma unui accident auto produs din vina conducatorului auto asigurat, primesc despagubiri pentru daunele materiale si/sau decesul ori vatamarile corporale suferite in acel accident. Locatarul opteaza la semnarea Contractului pentru una dintre urmatoarele garantii si taxe pentru reducerea ei: Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) sau Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW). Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) reprezinta o fransiza pentru avarii (responsabilitate), numita si garantie pentru daune, care poate varia intre 300 € si 2000 € in functie de clasa autovehiculului specificat in Contractul semnat de parti. Garantia obligatorie se depune la semnarea Contractului, partial sau integral, si va fi blocata pe un card de credit. Garantia va fi restituita Locatarului la returnarea autovehiculului daca acesta nu prezinta defecte sau avarii, altele decât cele evidentiate in fisa la preluare. In cazul returnarii autovehicului pe timp de noapte, in conditii meteo nefavorabile sau murdar, când identificarea eventualelor daune nu este posibila, garantia (in totalitate sau partial, dupa caz) se restituie in maxim doua zile lucratoare, dupa ce Locatorul a avut la dispozitie toate conditiile pentru a inspecta autovehiculul. Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) reprezinta o taxa de reducere a garantiei mentionate mai sus (CDW), al carei tarif se regaseste in Contractul de inchiriere. Prin plata taxei SCDW, responsabilitatea Clientului in caz de avarii si/sau furt pentru autoturismul inchiriat, se reduce de la valoarea garantiei mentionata mai sus, la valoarea de 150 €. SCDW nu acopera carburantul, lipsa documentelor pierdute si/sau deteriorate, daune ale farurilor/stopurilor, anvelopelor sau jantelor, ale oricarui element ce apartine dedesuptului autoturismului inchiriat ( de ex. Sasiu, scut de protective, furtune, cabluri, conducte, elemente ale subansamblului rotilor, sistem de esapament, etc.), elementelor vitrate, elementelor de bord, si a tapiteriei sau orice alte daune produse din neglijenta sau vandalism si nerespectarea obligatiilor prevazute la punctul 7.


Indiferent de taxa achitata a reducerea garantiei pentru care a optat Locatarul, devine responsabil si raspunde de repararea si plata daunelor colaterale

in caz de avarii/daune ale autovehiculului cauzate de catre terti, Locataru prezinta toate documentele necesare conform situatiei respective si care atesta nevinovatia lui. Daca dauna are autor necunoscut Locatarul are obligatia de a obtine, inainte de restituirea autovehiculului, Autorizatia de Reparatie de la Organele de Politie.Daca s-a produs un accident rutier si au fost implicate 2 masini acesta are urmatoarele obligatii; Completarea formularului de constatare amiabila daca cei 2 soferi isi recunosc vina;  Proces Verbal si Autorizatie de reparatie obtinute de la Organele de Politie. In cazul in care cei doi soferi nu se inteleg amiabil, copie RCA vinovat, copie Certificat Inmatriculare vinovat, copie CI vinovat, copie Permis Conducere vinovat.Daca in accident au fost implicate mai mult de 2 autovehicule sau in urma accidentului au rezultat vatamari corporale Locatarul are obligatia sa contacteze Organele de Politie pentru obtinerea Procesului Verbal si a Autorizatiei de Reparatie. In cazul unui accident in care a fost lovit un animal Locatarul are obligatia sa anunte Organele de Politie de indata ce s-a produs accidental si sa solicite Autorizatie de Reparatie.. In toate cazurile descrise anterior Locatarul are obligatia de a verifica completarea corecta atat a Constatarii Amiabile, cat si a Autorizatiei de Reparatie si Procesului Verbal eliberate de Organele de Politie.In caz de nerespectare a procedurii in caz de dauna Locatarul este responsabil de intreaga valoare a reparatiilor, costurilor de imobilizare si a costurilor generate de lipsa de folosinta a masinii.

 a) Locatarul plateste integral, la semnarea Contractului, inchirierea (autovehiculului si a optionalelor pe care le inchiriaza) si eventualele taxe suplimentare stabilite prin procesul-verbal; b) Facturarea in RON se face la cursul BNR+1% din ziua semnarii Contractului; c) Plata inchirierii se poate face cu cardul de credit/debit (Visa, MasterCard sau American Express) sau numerar, nefiind acceptate carduri prepaid; d) Tarifele nu includ: costurile carburantilor, taxele de drum cu exceptia rovinietei de drum pentru Romania care este inclusa in tariful de inchiriere. Amenzile primite pentru incalcarea regulilor de circulatie pe drumurile publice si a legislatiei nationale in vigoare sau costuri rezultate in urma actiunilor Autoritatilor Locale vis-a-vis de autovehiculul ce face obiectul acestui Contract, pe durata inchirierii. Plata integrala a acestor sume vor fi in sarcina Locatarului; e) Locatarul trebuie sa achite totalul obligatiilor financiare ramase, conform Contractului, in momentul predarii autovehiculului, in baza documentului de plata emis SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL; f) Orice suma neachitata de Locatar catre SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL la finalul Contractului, precum si alte sume ivite ulterior (cost prelungire perioada inchiriere, amenzi, penalitati, taxe, etc.) sau costuri cu reparatii ale autovehiculului in urma daunelor produse pe perioada contractuala, pot fi incasate pe cartea de credit/debit a Locatarului, cu somatie prealabila in scris. Orice valoare incasata in lipsa Locatarului, cu acordul acestuia prin semnarea conditiilor prezente, se finalizeaza cu transmiterea din partea SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL  a unui mesaj prin e-mail continand chitantele corespunzatoare incasarii; g) In cazul intarzierii platii, peste termenul mentionat in Contract se percep penalitati in valoare de 1%, din valoarea sumei datorate, pentru fiecare zi de intarziere; h) Garantia se restituie la finalul perioadei contractuale, intr-un termen de maxim 21 de zile de la data semnarii fisei de predare de catre SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL si Locatar. SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL nu raspunde pentru intarzierile in restituirea garantiei cauzate de factori externi precum intarzieri ale institutiilor bancare, etc


Locatarul este pus de drept in intarziere pentru toate obligatiile asumate in Contract si nerespectate ca atare la termene.Orice litigiu care decurge din sau in legatura cu acest acord va fi solutionat mai intai pe cale amiabila si doar in caz de esec, partile se vor adresa instantelor competente; Pentru orice disputa, prezentul Contract constituie o dovada.


Conform legislației aplicate în domeniul protecției datelor cu caracter personal,SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL va prelucra datele personale puse la dispoziție de Locatar înainte de încheierea sau pe parcursul derulării contractului de închiriere. În funcție de etapele derulării contractului SC.TRAVEL AUTO.SRL prelucrează diferite categorii de date în legătură cu Locatorul, cum ar fi: Informații de identificare(permis de conducere, carte de identitate, pașaport, naționalitate) informații privind cardul de credit/debit sau contul bancar folosit, informații de contact (nume, prenume, domiciliu, număr de telefon, adresa de email).Datele furnizate de Locatar sunt strict confidențiale. Aceste date vor fi folosite strict în folosul relației dintre SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL și Locatar (încheierea/derularea contractului, facturarea și plata serviciilor oferite de SC.TRAVEL AUTO.SRL soluționarea  reclamațiilor și îndeplinirea obligațiilor legale către SC.TRAVEL AUTO.SRL. Acestea nu vor fi furnizate altor companii sau terțe persoane. Menționăm că aceste date vor fi puse la dispoziția autorizațiilor publice competente atunci când va fi obligatoriu conform legilor în vigoare.

Locatarul are obligația de a transmite datele personale corecte către SC.TRAVEL AUTO.SRL prin semnarea acestor termeni și condiții va exprimați acceptul dumneavoastră în privința utilizării și înregistrării datelor personale.

Terms & Conditions ENG


The rental agreement includes the information in the following documents: Rental Agreement; Rental Terms and Conditions; Annexes to the Rental Agreement;  Delivery/ Receipt Protocol; According to this agreement SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL, hereinafter referred to as the Lessor, rents to the signatory Lessee, the car without a driver, as it is referred to in short (including accessories and equipment described in this document and also any other car that replaces the original car) in accordance with the terms and conditions, as well as with those written on the first page of the document that the Lessee fully accepts.


The object of this contract consists in the putting into use (rental) by the Lessor, the Lessee of the described car / vehicle, the owner of the Lessor, in exchange for the payment by the Renter of a price.


The following documents must be  presented when taking over the car; valid identity card or passport; valid driving licence; your credit/debit card accepted by SC,TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL; If there is a need for additional checks, other additional documents / data may be requested at the rental office (eg return flight ticket, accommodation confirmation,etc.)


These persons must be older than 21 years and a minimum of 2 years old, valid driving license, recognized by the Romanian authorities. If the driving license is issued by a non-EU country, it is necessary to present an international driving license, together with the national license. Additional drivers can be entered in the rental contract in exchange for paying an additional fee. For young drivers aged between 21-23 years, as well as for senior drivers over 70 years of age, an additional fee will be charged. The secondary driver must meet the same conditions as the main driver.


The car cannot be used: by other persons than those who sign this Agreement as Lessee; for purposes that violate the law; in violation of the Romanian  international road code; for the transfer of passengers or goods for a fee; for the movement or towing of another vehicle or trailer; to participate in car races or to drive off paved roads; to sub-rent to third parties; outside Romania, without the prior consent of the Lessor, who hereby reserves the right to modify the value of the rent, depending on the destination and the mileage to be run and to charge a border crossing fee. Depending on the transiting countries, limitations may occur on insurance coverage if the Lessee does not take into account this provision, he bears full responsibility; if the driver is under the influence of alcohol, hallucinogenic substances, drugs or any other substance that influences the driver’s ability to drive; for the transport of explosive, flammable, toxic, radioactive, harmful, dangerous or prohibited materials; by selling / alienating of any nature, for the removal of parts of the car as well as allowing other persons to perform these actions; in violation of any terms and conditions of this contract.


To transmit to the Lessor the right of use over the vehicle that constitutes the Object of the Contract by: delivering the vehicle, completing and signing the delivery-takeover sheet, handing over the keys and documents of the car (registration certificate, RCA insurance policy, vignette) in original. To hand over the vehicle clean and with the tank full; To provide the Lessor with telephone and road assistance, on the territory of Romania, throughout the duration of the contract, 24h/24, 7days/7 in case of accident or mechanical breakdown; SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL is not responsible for repairing the tire in case of puncture. To replace the vehicle (within the limit of availability), in case of damage that can not be remedied on the spot, if the damage is not the Fault of the Lessee, within a period of 24 hours, depending on the location where the malfunction was found. If the damage is due to the Lessee fault, it will be requested to block a new guarantee for the delivery of the new vehicle. If SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL will be unable to replace the Lessee’s vehicle and will be refunded the part related to the cost of the rent calculated proportionally with the duration in which the vehicle could not be used SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL is not responsible for the losses incurred by Lessee in case of malfunction or damage to the vehicle, except for the expenses authorized by the SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL for repairs. By issuing the receipts for completing and canceling the pre-authorized deposits SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL is relieved of the unavailability of the amounts from the Lessee’s account and recommends contacting and presenting the receipts to the bank where the Lessee holds the card. From the moment of delivery of the vehicle until its repossession, SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL is exonerated of liability for the damages caused in traffic by the vehicle rented to the Lessee, as well as by the road or bridge taxes or fines resulting from the abusive occupation of a parking place, the non-observance of the traffic legislation or of the Laws of Romania.


To allow the driving of the vehicle only to the persons authorized and mentioned in the Rental Agreement. Not to drive the vehicle outside the road surfaces, on unpaved, unpaved roads, closed to public traffic. Otherwise, SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL will collect the value of the repair, from the warranty chosen by the Lessee (regardless of the type of guarantee, including in the case of scdw fee) or will debit the debit / credit card of the customer presented at the signing of the contract, with prior notification. Not to make and not to allow technical or aesthetic interventions on the vehicle without the written consent of SC,TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL. To pay the fines issued by the authorities for contraventions or offences committed during the rental of the vehicle that is the object of this contract; To bear the cost of the vignette outside the territory of Romania if the vehicle made available to the Lessee is to be used in international traffic; Travel abroad is allowed only on the territory of the European Union and the European Economic Area.

 If this obligation is violated, in the event of damage or theft, the Lessee will be responsible for the entire value of the car. Returning the vehicle at the end of the contract period, with the fuel tank full. In case of damage to the vehicle, except for those caused by force majeure, the Lessee is jointly and severally liable with the Lessor’s insurer for all expenses related to bringing the vehicle to its initial condition or replacing it with a similar one in terms of brand, type, year of manufacture, equipment and market value. If the Lessor’s insurer fully covers these expenses, the Lessee is exonerated of civil liability, with the possibility of criminal liability, according to the law. In order for the damages produced as a result of a road event or theft to be recovered through the Lessor’s insurer, it is mandatory to declare them by the Lessee / driver of the vehicle to the police bodies in the area of the locality where the event occurred, and otherwise the value of the damages will be fully borne by the Lessee / driver of the vehicle. If the vehicle was driven under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs or other narcotic substances, the liability for the material recovery of the damages belongs entirely to the Lessee/driver of the vehicle. At the end of the rental period, the Renter will hand over to the Lessor the rented vehicle, clean, with the related accessories and the documents that were handed to him when the vehicle was taken over. Smoking in the vehicle is strictly forbidden. Pets can be transported in cars only in special boxes (cages, bags), closed during the trip In case of non-compliance, a fee of 50 € will be charged, to which will be added the value of the car wash services, according to the invoice that will be sent to him by e-mail. For non-compliance with the provisions regarding the lessee’s obligations stipulated in chapter 7, SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO.SRL has the right to unilaterally cancel the reservation without refunding the amounts and the guarantee deposit is collected in full (including in the case of SCDW/FULL SCDW taxes). The Lessee shall have any other rights and obligations provided by law and by this Agreement.


Delivery and return of the vehicle will be made at the place, date and time set by the Lessee together with the SC.TRAVEL AUTO RENT. SRL and mentioned in the reservation form and in the Agreement. The Agreement ceases on the expiry date of the rental duration or on the subsequent date established by the parties as a result of the extension of the initial duration. The Agreement may be terminated by unilateral termination by either party, without the need to put it in delay, in case of non-performance of the obligations established in the charge of the other party under this Agreement, by sending a notice of termination. The Agreement shall be deemed terminated on the date of receipt by the Lessor of the notice of termination. Termination will be made by the Lessor if the Lessee does not comply with his fault and obligations assumed. The termination shall operate in accordance with the law. In all cases ending of the Renta Agreement, the Lessee has the obligation to pay all amounts owed to the Lessor until the date ending of the lease.


 In this case, a voucher for the remaining value will be issued; The voucher can be used for partial or full payment of the rental services and is valid for a period of one year from the date of issue. If only a part of the amount has been used, a new voucher will be issued for the remaining difference from the initial value. If during the rental period, the Lessee requests the change of the location of the vehicle return, he will inform the SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL in writing or by calling the non-stop support number and a dislocation fee will be charged between 20 € and 300 €. SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO SRL will have to give its consent to this contractual change, and the Lessee will pay the additional deployment fee mentioned above, the fee that will be communicated in writing by SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL, by SMS or e-mail. The collection of the tax will be made from the guarantee, upon returning the vehicle, cash or based on the card presented by the Lessee at the signing of the contract. Abandonment of the vehicle by the Renter without written notice SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL or by calling the non-stop support phone number, without handing over the key to a representative SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL and without the bilateral signing of the takeover sheet, will attract the liability of the Lessee for all costs related to the relocation of the vehicle to the location from which it was rented and other costs related to bringing the vehicle to its original state if the vehicle is taken over under other conditions than those in which it was handed over based on the minutes. The same conditions are valid if the Lessee refuses to hand over the vehicle.The supply by the Lessee of the vehicle with another fuel than the one indicated by the manufacturer (provided in the registration certificate / bead and on the delivery-receipt sheet) entails the obligation of the Renter to pay a service fee in the amount of 50 euros, the cost of the transport with the platform, the cost related to the days of immobilization in service, the repair cost according to the estimate as well as the corresponding refueling. Both in case of termination of the Contract before the term and in case of termination, the Lessee has the obligation to hand over the vehicle within 12 hours from the moment of termination.


 The vehicle has included the RCA insurance policy, according to the law. RCA insurance is an insurance through which third parties injured as a result of a car accident caused by the fault of the insured driver, receive compensations for material damages and / or death or bodily injuries suffered in that accident. The Lessee chooses to sign the Contract for one of the following guarantees and fees for its reduction: Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) or Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW).Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) represents a franchise for damages (liability), also called a guarantee for damages, which can vary between 300 € and 2000 € depending on the class of the vehicle specified in the Contract signed by the parties. The mandatory guarantee is deposited at the signing of the Agreement, partially or in full, and will be blocked on a credit card. The guarantee will be returned to the Lessee upon return of the vehicle if it does not present defects or damages, other than those highlighted in the takeover sheet. In case of returning the vehicle at night, in unfavorable or dirty weather conditions, when the identification of possible damages is not possible, the warranty (in whole or in part, as the case may be) is returned within a maximum of two working days, after the Lessor had at his disposal all the conditions to inspect the vehicle. Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) is a fee for reducing the guarantee mentioned above (CDW), the rate of which is found in the Rental Agreement. By paying the SCDW fee, the Client’s responsibility in case of damage and/ or theft for the rented car is reduced from the value of the guarantee mentioned above, to the value of 150 €. SCDW does not cover fuel, lack of lost and / or damaged documents, damage to headlights / taillights, tires or rims, any element belonging to the underside of the rented car (e.g. Chassis, protective shield, hoses, cables, pipes, elements of the wheel subassembly, exhaust system, etc.), glazed elements, instrument elements, and upholstery or any other damages caused by negligence or vandalism and non-compliance with the obligations stipulated in point 7.


Regardless of the fee paid for the reduction of the guarantee for which the Renter has opted, becomes responsible and is responsible for the repair and payment of collateral damages in case of damage / damage to the vehicle caused by third parties, Lessee presents all the necessary documents according to the respective situation and attesting his innocence. If the damage has unknown author the Tenant has the obligation to obtain, before returning the vehicle, the Repair Authorization from the Police.If there was a road accident and 2 cars were involved it has the following obligations; Filling in the amicable settlement form if the 2 drivers admit their guilt;  Minutes and Repair Authorization obtained from the Police. If the two drivers do not agree amicably, copy of the guilty RCA, copy of the Culprit Registration Certificate, copy of the GUILTY ID, copy of the Guilty Driving License. If more than 2 vehicles were involved in the accident or as a result of the accident, bodily injuries resulted, the Lessee has the obligation to contact the Police In order to obtain the Minutes and the Repair Authorization. In case of an accident in which an animal was hit, the Tenant has the obligation to notify the Police As soon as it occurred accidentally and to request the Repair Authorization.. In all the cases described above, the Lessee has the obligation to verify the correct completion of both the Amicable Finding and the Repair Authorization and the Minutes issued by the Police.In case of non-compliance with the procedure in case of damage, the Lessee is responsible for the entire value of the repairs, the immobilization costs and the costs generated by the lack of use of the car.


The Lessee pays in full, at the signing of the Agreement, the rental (of the vehicle and of the optionals he rents) and any additional fees established by the minutes; b) Invoicing in RON is made at the BNR exchange rate + 1% from the day of signing the Agreement; c) The payment of the rental can be made by credit / debit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) or cash, without accepting prepaid cards; d) The tariffs do not include: fuel costs, road taxes except for the road vignette for Romania which is included in the rental tariff. Fines received for violating the traffic rules on public roads and the national legislation in force or costs resulting from the actions of the Local Authorities vis-à-vis the vehicle that is the object of this Agreement, during the rental period. The full payment of these amounts will be the responsibility of the Lessee; e) The lessee must pay the total of the remaining financial obligations, according to the Contract, at the time of handing over the vehicle, based on the payment document issued SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL; f) Any amount not paid by the Renter to SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL at the end of the Agreement, as well as other amounts arising later (cost of extension of the rental period, fines, penalties, taxes, etc.) or repair costs of the vehicle as a result of damages produced during the contractual period, may be collected on the Lessee’s credit/debit card, with prior written summons. Any value collected in the absence of the Lessee, with his consent by signing the present conditions, ends with the transmission from the SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL of an e-mail message containing the receipts corresponding to the collection; g) In case of late payment, over the term mentioned in the Lessee, penalties in the amount of 1% of the amount due are levied, for each day of delay; h) The guarantee is refunded at the end of the period contractual, in a termen of maximum 21 days from the date of signing the delivery form by SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL and the Renter. SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL is not liable for delays in the reimbursement of the guarantee caused by external factors such as delays of banking institutions, etc.


The lessee is rightfully put in delay for all the obligations assumed in the Agreement and not respected as such on time. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement will first be settled amicably and only in case of failure, the parties will address the competent courts; For any dispute, this Agreement constitutes proof.

14. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA: According to the legislation applied in the field of personal data protection, SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL will process the personal data made available by the Renter before the conclusion or during the performance of the rental contract. Depending on the stages of the Agreement SC.TRAVEL AUTO. SRL processes different categories of data in relation to the Lessor, such as: Identification information (driver’s license, identity card, passport, nationality) information regarding the credit / debit card or the bank account used, contact information (name, surname, domicile, phone number, email address). The data provided by the Lessee is strictly confidential. This data will be used strictly for the benefit of the relationship between SC.TRAVEL RENT AUTO. SRL and The Lessee (conclusion / performance of the Agreement, billing and payment of the services offered by SC.TRAVEL AUTO. SRL solving complaints and fulfilling legal obligations to SC.TRAVEL AUTO. SRL. They will not be provided to other companies or third parties. We mention that these data will be made available to the competent public authorizations when it will be mandatory according to the laws in force. The lessee has the obligation to transmit the correct personal date to the  SC.TRAVEL AUTO SRL By signing these terms and conditions, you will express your acceptance of the use and registration of personal data.